contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in
one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you
dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand
why I dismiss yours.”
Stephen Roberts |
not born religious, you're born into religious custom.
There is no gene which specifies whether you'll be
christian, muslim, hindu, or jew, though there is a
structural defect in your brain which predispositions
you to accept
absurd notions as
an all-powerful, omniscient, cosmic muppet which watches
everything you do.
It's difficult to break
free of religious indoctrination on your
own but the first
step is called “information”,
and here at Born Again Pagan you'll find
plenty of alternative ideas to consider and
Not only will
good arguments
papal bull but you might also be entertained
along the way, and ain't nothin' wrong with