Am Not An Atheist Because...
am I not an atheist …
… and why I am.
I am not an atheist because:
- I hate God
- I
prayed to God and my prayers weren’t
- Militant/fundamentalist
atheists converted me away from God
- I worship science
and the works of man instead of God
- I’m rebelling against God like I rebelled against my parents & teachers
in high school
- I
think I’m better than God
- I had a bad experience
with a priest or church or religious
- I
can’t decide which religion to
subscribe to
- Atheism
is my religion
- I think religious
people are idiots
- I worship Batman
- I worship Satan
- I’m
immoral/amoral and would rather do
what I want
- I want to destroy
I distrust and criticise certain organised religions because:
- They
are human inventions and many seem to be
more preoccupied with obsessively controlling
of peoples’ private lives than improving
- Many Christian
churches are primarily concerned with attracting
and then keeping it rather than using it charitably
- Many holy books get descriptions
of the world & nature completely
wrong, which you would not expect had they been dictated by the omnipotent
creator of the universe
- Many holy books
contain descriptions of human events that cannot
historically verified and in all likelihood
never happened (eg. Exodus)
- Many holy books
contain numerous laws, acts & stories of
a morality that modern, free societies find
repugnant; these societies have passed many
of their own laws contradicting them
- There are so many
separate & often violently opposed sects
of each religion that it is more likely that
none of them are correct than just one of
them being so
- Many religious
groups demand special treatment such as the
not to be offended by statements, artworks,
songs or anything else that may criticise
or disagree with their dogma
- Religious groups
frequently try to have laws passed which unfairly
their narrow standards of behaviour, based on interpretations
of specific holy commands, onto the rest of
- Religious people
often tend to pick & choose from, or “interpret” their
holy texts, discarding what does not conform to modern
standards of morality, law & political
freedom; they then imply that modern morality,
law and political freedom rests on the foundations
of their particular religion.
- There is such a
wide spectrum of religious belief & adherence
to dogma, ranging from light, barely-existent
deism to the kind of rigid fundamentalism
that oppresses and kills many, many people in its name,
that it leads me to conclude that either God
wasn’t clear enough with his message,
spread it to enough people or that humans have basically
made their religions and associated
rules up as they went along and have been in conflict
with each other about them ever since.
- Many religious
people & groups
wilfully mis-characterise atheists as immoral,
empty beings with no appreciation for beauty
or mystery simply because
we prefer natural explanations for the universe’s
phenomena rather than defaulting to “God did it”;
they believe that any explanation, even a wrong one or
one which explains nothing, is better than “we
just don’t
know yet”.
- Many religious
groups continue to deny long-accepted scientific
such as the divergence of species through evolution and
the verified age of the Earth; some wish their
particular mythology taught as fact in science
and go to extraordinary lengths to accomplish it; some
even insist there’s
a huge, dark Scientist conspiracy quashing “academic
- Some religious
people & groups attempt to cherry-pick
science (as they do their scriptures) for those
parts which conform to their belief system
while actively denying others, e.g. agreeing with “microevolution” while
denying “macroevolution” or attempting to
use the Second Law of Thermodynamics to debunk evolution
- Some religious
groups deny the efficacy of modern medicine
in favour
of treating an ill person with prayer, a practice which
has led to many preventable deaths, often of
- They all make extraordinary
claims based on their scriptures, provide no
evidence beyond referring to their self-confirming
scriptures and then insist
that the onus is on atheists to disprove their claims.
- Many religions
have become inextricably intertwined with the
laws of the
patriarchal cultures which spawned or adopted
them, leading to divine justifications
for such horrors as female circumcision and “honour
killings”, which
more often than not punish women, already under the
thumbs of domineering males, for seemingly minute transgressions
of law.
- When it comes to
the hot-button issue of sexual abuse by priests,
many religions seem more concerned with good
public relations, shielding themselves
from culpability and keeping numbers in churches than
with compensating victims and being active
about preventing further abuse.
I am an atheist because:
- Any & all
claims of and explanations for the existence
of God
or any other gods have thus far fallen far
short of my standards of evidence
- My understanding of the
natural universe is that it functions in such
a way that doesn’t require (or indicate) the presence of any supernatural
entity intervening in either the laws of nature or selected peoples’ lives
- That’s it. They are the only two things that I can say I absolutely
have in common with any other atheist. In matters of sex, politics, architecture,
gaming, interior design, pets, music, clothing, hobbies, language, philosophy,
education, sports, typing speed, preferred drugs, affinity with beagles & frogs
and any number of other categories I may be diametrically opposite to any other
atheist in the world. To label one atheist with the same attributes you label
another atheist is ignorant at best, flat-out dishonest at worst. But all of
us, if “atheist” is to mean anything at all, do not accept theistic
But what could steer me in the opposite direction? Probably the same things that
could steer any atheist…
I could be converted to theism if:
- God,
or a god, showed himself or performed an
act that unambiguously
proved both his existence and his attributes
as an immortal, omnipotent being. As to what
that proof would constitute: that god himself,
if omnipotent, would be the perfect arbiter
of what would conclusively prove to six billion
that he existed.
Such things as tortillas depicting blurred silhouettes of Mary (or any other
second-tier deity) do not count. If you’re there, God, you’re on
notice! Any time is fine. No tricks – and come alone (if indeed there’s
only one of you, otherwise, bring the whole parthenon).
Author: Mandrellian